- Family Handbook
- Discipline Matrix
- School Emergency Information
- Student Counseling
- Title IX
- Community Resources
- After School Program
- School Fees and Payments
- School Accountability Committee (SAC)
- Communication Expectations
Family Handbook
NRCCS is a part of the Steamboat Springs School District, but control of the day-to-day operations is given to the charter school staff, under the philosophy set forth by the NRCCS board of directors. We look forward to building a healthy relationship with you and your child. We believe parents play a very important role in their child’s education and NRCCS offers many opportunities for parents to be involved.
Discipline Matrix
Each student and employee of NRCCS is entitled to learn and work in a safe school environment. To ensure this, the school has established clear student discipline policies and consequences. The following Discipline Matrix contains discipline guidelines which apply at any time a student is on school grounds, in a school vehicle, or at a school activity or sanctioned event.
These guidelines are intended to protect students and staff from harm, to provide opportunities for students to learn from their mistakes, to foster a positive learning community, to keep students in school, and to show mindful consideration of negative impacts that can occur as result of involvement with the criminal justice system.
School Emergency Information
NRCCS takes security very seriously. We have adopted the K-12 security response protocol (SRP) from the the "i love you guys" foundation: Standard Response Protocol
Part of the SRP dictates that when in an emergency, When You Hear It, Do It!!
We have also worked very hard with multiple Routt County agencies to create a Reunification/Communication Plan.
Student Counseling
Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law that states: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
Below are the steps and regulations that NRCCS is taking in order to be in compliance.
Community Resources
After School Program
Before School
Starting at 7:30am, Monday-Friday, a staff member will be available to give general oversight of students who arrive early to the NRCCS campus. There will be no other supervised activities prior to school start.
NRCCS After School Program
The After School Program is available Monday- Thursday on regularly scheduled school days. The cost is $12 per student/ per day. Please email to schedule your child for regular attendance or see about drop if availability.
School Fees and Payments
Throughout the school year, all student fees are emailed to families through Quickbooks and we request all fees to be paid by their assigned due date.
Accepted forms of payment are credit card, check or cash. Parents may make payments by credit card at any time directly through the invoice emailed to them from Quickbooks.
Please call 970-871-6062 or email: with any questions or to inquire about setting up a payment plan.
School Accountability Committee (SAC)
The purpose of the School Accountability Committee is to review school performance data and improvement plans and make recommendations for future initiatives and strategies toward performance success. This year, SAC will especially focus on family engagement. Members of the SAC committee include staff, parents, and community volunteers, and must be representative of our student population. The SAC will meet 5 times this year from 3:45pm-4:45pm, with the 1st meeting being January 14, 2022. SAC members are chosen for 2 year terms and can serve no more than 2 terms. If you have any questions about SAC, please reach out to Daniel Kohler.
Current SAC Members
Jack Smith-Community Member
Sarah Barr-Board Representative
Susan Boles-Parent
Alisha Kurtz-Parent
Annie Owen-Teacher
Daniel Kohler -Staff Liaison
Communication Expectations
Communication for Families
Clear communication creates trust, which is essential for a solution-oriented, people-first organization committed to continuous improvement. NRCCS is committed to high-quality, two-way communication.
Daniel Kohler Principal
Demonstrate respect in both what is said and how it is said.
Demonstrate public support for one another and recognize that families and teachers are on the same team.
Assume positive intentions and keep an open mind.
Ask questions first.
Raise concerns with the appropriate person.
Use good judgment about the amount of contact that is appropriate.
Be mindful of the amount of time an individual concern may take and of staff “working hours” (7:45-3:30) when communicating or anticipating responses. Staff members will make reasonable efforts to respond to inquiries within two business days.
Schedule appointments if a discussion is needed instead of raising concerns in public settings, especially before school, after school or when faculty and staff are outside doing supervision.
Keep in mind that voicemail and e-mail are public documents and that confidentiality cannot always be protected. Know that e-mails sent to and from NRCCS staff are considered ‘findable evidence’ in a court of law. A great rule of thumb is that we should not say or write anything that we wouldn’t want to be published.
Adhere to “email is for information and not for conversation”. We understand our lives are very busy but we would like to spend more time creating partnerships and mutual understanding, than responding to emails/messages. Please schedule an appointment to meet with your teacher, either by phone or by Zoom if your request or questions would require more than a few sentence response.
Verbal, physical or sexual harassment towards staff will not be tolerated.